She Believed She Could, So She Did
The most common question I get asked as a solo traveler is ‘aren’t you scared for your safety travelling alone?’.
My simple answer is absolutely not, and here is why...
Ever since I packed my minimal belongings into my car and set off on the road trip of a lifetime after graduating high school life has been both exciting and terrifying in the best way possible.
The challenges of solo travel, specifically as a young woman have definitely been present throughout my trip but have only resulted in a positive outcome, GROWTH!
Of course, there have been moments of uncomfortability, fear and unknown but in these moments I have learnt just how capable I am as a woman!
Historically society has told us that we need a man to look after us and keep us safe, and now due to real situations that have endangered the safety of females, we may feel this way too. Despite this, I want to share the message of not letting fear control us!
As women, we are more than capable of adventure and travel and we shouldn’t have to fear for our safety.
I encourage you to set off on a little solo trip of your own sometime. Travel smart, have an incredible time, and experience the true freedom of travel! Camp in your car, or maybe at a backpackers hostel and enjoy life outside your comfort zone.
Know that the majority of humanity are good people with only good intentions and that there are people always looking out for you on the road.
With my original plans to travel overseas canceled like everything else because of covid, I took my own advice and decided to make the most of the situation and travel Australia instead. After all, Australia is a pretty amazing country to be ‘stuck’ in.
4 months ago I set off alone in my car at the age of 18, and now I’ve found myself settled in beautiful Noosa surfing my days away. The people I have met along the way have truly changed my life! Everyone has been so kind, generous, and inviting, teaching me these lessons I have shared above.
To tie up this slightly scattered and brief blog post I’d like to share a favourite quote of mine...
‘She believed she could so she did’
Let this quote give you endless permission to create and live your dreams. Please never let fear hold you back. Get out there and explore the world girl!!
Written by Issy Standfield - Instagram @ thesunnilife